What is a Pashmina?

Pashmina is the art of handcrafting luxury clothing and accessories from the soft undercoat of the Himalayan goat.

The Changthang goat lives in the Ladakh area of India. His region is home to a community of herders that live above 14,000 feet above sea level.

The Changpa tribe has been inhabiting the region for many years now.

They are the ones who raise an exotic species of goats known as Changthangi goats.

And it is these people who take us to the first milestone in Pashmina making - collecting wool from the goat.


Processing of Pashmina?

One can survive a temperature of -40 degrees, thanks to the Changthangi goat's fine Cashmere wool. The wool is very delicate, fine, and warm.

This wool acts as insulation and keeps the goat warm and active. The diameter of this fine wool is only 12-16 microns, but its warmth is that as long as cashmere is on it, the cold will not kill the animal. body!

In winter, the same wool that helped the goat survive in the cold weather becomes uncomfortable as soon as summer arrives.

There's no reason why it shouldn't work. In fact, I think it will be a great idea. After all, wool has extraordinary warmth and comfort.

Feeling the same, the goat rubs against the surrounding rough patches, leaving some of the fur in disarray.

Herders watch this agony and seek professional help to gently comb the remaining wool from the goat's body.

Specialized tools and equipment are put to rigorous use. This process takes a lot of time as professionals have to make sure that.


The Legacy of Pashmina:

Pashmina has been special since it was discovered in the 15th century by Syed Ali Hamdani, a Persian saint and visiting Kashmiri.

With 700 craftsmen, he is responsible for training the locals in the craft, one of which is the Pashmina job.

This is the art of choice for most people, as it was preferred by the royal family at that time. The royal courts will have cashmere furniture made.

Pashmina is revered by Kashmiris and Kashmiri craftsmen are respected around the world. They were the best-known people of their time.

Pashmina at that time was a family affair. While some women clean or spin cashmere, the men in the family weave and embroider shawls.

So a Pashmina shawl would be a brand of one or the other. At one point, when the economy was down, women sold pieces of their Pashmina for money.

So Pashmina had an emotional connection with the people of the valley, and it was such that even after the industry was on the verge of extinction, those 70s and 80s didn't let go.